16 January 1919- Bodie Mining Camp takes it place among Has-Beens!!
BODIE MINES MAP—— by January 1919- Newspapers reporting on the “Decline of the Famous Mining Camp of Bodie!”
January 16, 1919
BODIE (MOMO COUNTY), Jan. 15—— With the Bodie Postoffice closed, the Stage Line from Thorne, Nevada discontinued, and practically every Mine in the District idle, the once, “famous mining camp of Bodie,” has virtually ceased to be.
The few residents (population 110), still clinging to the old town are forced to go to Bridgeport for Mail, and private conveyances from the only means of entering, or leaving the Mining Camp.
Twenty years ago—-(1900 Federal Census - 965 citizens, 80 Chinese immigrants)—- Bodie was one of the leading Gold-Producing-Camps of California, with the Standard Mine, the main support, famous throughout the West.
For more than forty years—-(1880-1920)—- Bodie has been a “noted gold yielder,” but “litigation, impoverishment of the ore bodies at depth and heavy flows of water in the deep levels of the Standard and other mines,” united to still the Wheels of Prosperity.
Press Democrat, Volume LXV, Number 227, 15 January 1919