Bodie Cemetery Fenced Plots
Lottie Johl’s Fenced Grave Plot marks her burial and grave location.
Lottie Johls’ grave would be in an “unmarked grave without the Iron Fence, surrounding the Johl’s Plot.
Fences were built around newly dug graves to keep out wandering, grazing cattle and to deter smaller animals from digging up the contents below the ground. Graves were dug pretty shallow and the small fence was never originally intended to “mark a grave.”
With the deterioration of the wood-board-markers, the remaining metal fences purpose changed from protecting the Grave, to being a “distinctive plot marker,” and being the only remaining Grave-Site or burial-plot “Identity Marker.”
The Fences lasting duration has marked the Grave-Site plot, and its location. These fences made forgotten “unmarked graves” an variable location, and today “recognizable as a grave-site” without a Headstone to give positive identification of the burial.