Bodie Cemetery- Masonic Cemetery

FREEMASONS The most common symbol of the Freemasons (or Masons) is one showing a compass and a square. The letter G stands for geometry or God.

The Freemason symbol was very important to these people because they all had it on the top of their tombstones above everything else. The symbol shows other people that this person was apart of a Fraternity and stood for things like God, fairness, loyalty, honesty, and courtesy.  They belonged to a Group and that was “who they were.”

The Freemason’s are the oldest Fraternal groups in the world. People put the Freemason “Masonic symbol” on their tombstone to show they were a member of this “Fraternal Brotherhood” of individuals. 

Seeing the Masonic symbol on a tombstone showed the deceased person believed in a “Higher Being,” and put others first on every possible occasion.

the Masonic symbol at the top of a tombstone, also  indicate its significance and importance the Masonic Lodge “Brotherhood” was in the persons daily life. The symbol is what is called a “Compass and Square” symbol with a ‘G’ in the middle. The G stands for God. The Masonic symbol meaning stands for God, helping others, courtesy, and honesty. 

This is very important because it shows the unity among the membership of the  Freemasonry, and it stands for so much more than it seems. It defined the interred “as  being a Freemason” in comparison to the others  interred without “Fraternal Brotherhood” membership symbols. 

Masonic symbol at the top of his tombstone to indicate its significance in his life. Green is defined by being a Mason in comparison to his wife who is defined as a “mother”. This shows the importance of being a Mason and all that it means to be one. He was so much more than a “dad”, that’s why his did not read like his wife’s.


August and Teresa Dressler Seiler


Bodie (Mono County)California.