Bodie Mines Report & Suicide 1883
Bodie Cemetery- Sagebrush and Unmarked Graves and the very top Warren Loose grave.
~~Suicide and - the Bodie Mines Report -1 August 1883
Daily Alta California, Volume 35, Number 12161 , 1 August 1883
BODIE, Cal., July 31st—About eight o’clock this morning Chester W. Mills, a carpenter, 51 years of age, committed Suicide by “blowing his brains out with a revolver.” A “state of domestic infelicity” is believed to have been the cause. The deceased was living with his third wife. He was a Pioneer of this section, and had lived here for twenty years. (There is no mention of a “funeral” or where or if he was buried in the Bodie Miners’ Union Cemetery.”)
BODIE MINES REPORT-During the week the STANDARD MINE extracted 1287 tons of Bullion, and shipped 14,004. The “last cross cut” on the 1200 level is in 440 feet.
The “North Drift” on the 1000 level is in256 feet wide. The “South Drift” is 203 feet. the vein is 5 feet wide, and “looking well.”
The “Upraise” is up 110 feet: vein 4 1/2 feet wide. The upper levels are producing the usual amount of ores.
BODIE MINE crushed 146 tons; average Pulp Assay $23 1/2. Bullion shipment $2262. The “West Cross Cut” on the 1000 level is 312 feet. The “East Cross Cut” on the same level is on 404 feet. Prospecting unbid tunnels continues.
~~~Keeping the BODIE MINING DISTRICT in the Newspapers (both San Francisco and Sacramento papers) was extremely important for keeping “Investors positive” about their speculation on the “Bullion Assays.” Funding the construction of the Stamp Mills took “capital investors” to keep the Mines in operation. Most important “the Assay” was was paying the miners’ wages- not the “bullion” coming out of the Mines. The Investors needed the “confidence” of the “Bodie Mining Stocks” to reflex, the operations worth and sustainability.
The Mines in Virgina City, Nevada had been very speculative for “early investors.” The money that pour into the Financial Markets from the COMSTOCK MINE- made “Mining Stocks” the future in 1880’s. The Bodie Mining District had to keep competitive in the Stock Market with its “news of new levels of tunnels, and the amount of “bullion being ship weekly!”