I.O.O.F Bodie Lodge #275

Bodie I O O F Hall- Bodie California

~~Wooden building on the right—-I. O. O. F. BODIE LODGE #279- very little can be seen of the “White Letters”- I O O F.

I.O.O.F- BODIE LODGE No. 279- was located above Henry Wards- PIONEER FURNITURE Company.

I. N. MKEAN- born- 24 March 1860, Died- 30 May 1923.- Buried in WARDS CEMETERY (I. O. O. F. Cemetery)

Independent Order of Odd Fellows- three chain links with F. L. T. inside stand for FRIENDSHIP, LOVE and TRUTH. 

~~Buried in the WARDS CEMETERY section of the Bodie Cemetery- the only “Story Written in Stone,” is Mr. I. N. MKEAN died on May 30, 1923- at the age of 63 years of age. (Born- March 24, 1860.)

~~Mr. I. N. MKEAN was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. —the “three chain links with F.T.L—-telling he lived a “life of Devotion, Friendship and Truth.” He was interred in an ODD FELLOWS Cemetery- also defines “his Fraternal Brotherhood.”




Cholera- “secret enemy” of the 1850’s Gold Seekers!