JAMES B. PERRY- A NATIVE OF IRELAND- Died June 9, 1896- Aged 63 Years- Late Supervisor of Mono County.
ECLECTIC MONUMENT- James B. Perry (d. 9 June 1896) Bodie Cemetery
~~~Eclectic Monuments tend to be LARGE, and to “incorporate two or three styles in one headstone .”Usually a large, rugged stone, with a “Scroll for the Inscription.”
~~~All have symbolism in the Christian tradition. The “ROCK” is the most common metaphor for “reliability.” It is often equated with the “living force of God.”
~~~ The Rock represents Jesus, the “Rock of Ages” as the Source, or Eternal Life. The Scroll is an “Emblem of Ancient Wisdom, Prophecy” or Cannon Law (Religious Law). The symbolic reference is to “Divine Law”.
~~~I.O.O.F. Symbol- Internal Order of Odd Fellows emblem of the the ODD FELLOWS LODGE— represent FRIENDSHIP, LOVE and TRUTH.