“Our Darling” Leslie Nicholls died October 4, 1908 (3 months old)
Infant Leslie Nicholls- (born 17 June 1908, died 4 October 1908) Aged three months old. (Front grave is Annie Fouke)
Daily Nevada State Journal, 7/24/1907:
Traveling 6,000 miles to wed her childhood sweetheart, to whom she had plighted her troth years ago, “back in romantic Cornwall, England,” Miss Lilly E. Berryman saw her “love dream” realized yesterday as she stood in the parlors of the Bodie Methodist parsonage.
By the side of the man, she had adored since the days she was in pinafores, and he in knickerbockers, and heard the Rev. L. M. Burwell pronounce, ”the words that made her his Wife.”
The “lucky groom” is Thomas Nicholls, a mining man of Bodie, Cal., who had made his home in Nevada for six years. He is 26 years of age and his bride is 24.
~~~~~Leslie Nicholls was born June 17, 1908 and died October 4, 1908- “Our Darling’…buried in the Wards Cemetery.
Bridgeport (CA) Chronicle-Union, 5/22/1915 (Saturday): Bodie News Items.
Thomas Nicholls, who was taken seriously ill with “ptomaine poisoning,” last Saturday night, has about recovered.