Uncovering the History of Bodie Mining District- December 29, 1879
~~~BODIE MINING DISTRICT- December 29, 1879- “was without a single Church!”
December 29, 1879—— BODIE MINING DISTRICT—- Daily Alta California, Volume 31, Number 10850, December 29, 1879
Grif. J. Griffith’s Views:
Mr Griffith recently visited Bodie in the interests of heavy Mining Operations here. On being asked, his opinion of the District and the general Outlook for the “Future yield of Bullion,” he said:
“Bodie contains about 6,000 inhabitants, who support 156 drinking places, several Newspapers and many Attorney-at Law, “without a single church.” Prior to 1876, but 18 mining Claims were recorded in the District. From this date until 1878- 106 claims were made.
January 1878, 206 mining claims were made, and the Bullion amounted to $797,833,800.
During the rest of the year 1878, 2,100,409, 27 was extracted, and 306 claims were recorded.
In 1879, 374 additional locations have been made, and the yield $3,688,454,— 86 claims making in all 935 recorded locations- very few of which have begun yield- “and the gross Bullion paid, since 1872, $385,886,00.”
There are already erected, exclusive of whims (horse power) 26 steam Hoisting Works on the following mines: Standard, Bodie Mono, McClinton, Con Pacific, South Bulwer, South Standard, South Bodie, Goodshaw, Adends Ore, Noonday, Maryland Ore, University, Queen Bee, Jupiter, Champion, Spaulding and Booker.
These are erected, and “in the process of erection seven Quartz Mills, counting 175 stamps,” as follows: Standard 30, Syndicate 20, Bodie 10, Miner’s 5, Bulwer and Standard 30, Noonday 30, Spaulding 10.
Although, several patent Applications remain, the Standard, Syndicate and Spaulding mines covered by United States Patents. The depth obtained (500 feet), and permanency of the ore channels fully warrant the certain that the Bullion Yield will be nearly doubled in 1880.
“The Future of the Camp is certainly full of Promise.”