Wood Larson- 29 September 1900

Bodie old town Cemetery- Wood Larson grave

Wood Larson- died 29 September 1900. The population of Bodie, California was 965. With the number of Chinese as 80.

~~~~~~Wood Larson - At rest; in loving remembrance. Died September 29, 1900, 7 Months, 18 days.~~~~~~

Death of Wood Larson.

Bridgeport Chronicle-Union, 29 Sepetember 1900— Wood Larson, late an old resident of Mono County, but recently removed to Inyo county, died last night in Bodie.

He was recently “thrown from a vehicle,” while on a visit to Modoc county. He sustained an injury to his head, affecting his brain.

The deceased was a native of Norway, and aged about 65 years. He leaves a Wife, three Daughters and three Sons, who have the Sympathy of their old friends in this county in “their great and sudden bereavement.“


Mary Burkham (d. 17 January 1945) Burkham family plot- Bodie Cemetery.


Alexander Nixon (1847-1878)