CHRISTINE PARKER—-aged 2 years and 5 months- (d. August 14, 1905)
Death Visits Parker Home.
~~The “Grim Reaper” visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Parker on Monday morning at 2 o’clock, and took away their little girl, Christene, aged 2 yrs and 5 months.
~~Her death was caused by Cholera Infantum, from which Christine had suffered for about a week. Previous to that she had always been in good health.
~~The Funeral was held from the Parker family residence Tuesday P.M. Services were held in the M.E. Church, Rev. Darling officiating.
~~The Parkers have the sympathy of the entire community in the loss of their first born. Christine “had reached the age when children become interesting, and a sunshine in the home, and her loss at this time is a sad blow.”
Bridgeport Chronicle-Union, August 9, 1905 (Saturday)